Japanese culture hits Leeds with a series of arts events, theatre and festivals

Minju Kang in Geisha. PIC: Guy FarrowMinju Kang in Geisha. PIC: Guy Farrow
Minju Kang in Geisha. PIC: Guy Farrow
Leeds is set to host a trio of exciting Japanese events this month inspired by the land of the Rising Sun.

The city is supporting Japan-UK Season of Culture is a nationwide campaign which aims to deepen the UK’s artistic and cultural understanding of the country.

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Highlights include well-renowned Northern Ballet’s upcoming production of Geisha, which is set to be a sensational show at Leeds Playhouse.

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In a major two years for Japan – having played host to the Rugby World Cup in 2019, and the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020 – the Japan-UK Season of Culture seeks to build on the British people’s keen interest in the landmark sporting events by showcasing the best of Japan’s multifaceted attractions in as many cities and towns as possible across the UK.

Event highlights throughout March in Leeds include:

Missing People at Leeds Playhouse: March 12 to March 21

‘Missing People’ is an exciting bilingual show between Leeds Playhouse and Kani Public Arts Centre in Japan, performed in Japanese and English. The production follows the journey of a Japanese couple that decide to marry in London and the challenges they face.

Sakura Festival in Leeds Vol.4 - Left Bank Leeds, March 14

Feel real Japan, with the return of the Sakura Festival 2020, which will be bigger and better than ever before. From getting involved in Japanese sake tasting to experiencing the sensations of Waidoko, the traditional Japanese drum, the Sakura festival is a fun-filled event for all the family and one not to be missed!

Geisha, Northern Ballet - Leeds Grand Theatre March 14 to March 21

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The Northern Ballet’s production of Geisha is set to be at the forefront of the Season of Culture programme. Based on an East meets West tale, it follows the friendship of two women who face conflict, yet still remain bounded by beauty, love and honour. Based on extraordinary true events, experience the city’s outstanding dancers in this must-see ballet of the year.