Revealed: the gems you can find while TV channel hopping

Since lockdown started more than a month ago have never watched so much television.

I am of the generation of three channels. I remember when colour came in and Channel 4 was launched.

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Channel-hopping was something you did when you went from Dover to France on the ferry. Today, though, I have 100 channels on Freeview and a screen as wide as the back wall.

We'll sit on the settee and, armed with a remote, see what we can watch. Of course BBC1 and ITV start the day with the news.

No prizes for guessing the focus! Coincidence or not, Quincy ME on ITV 4 has been dealing with virus outbreaks of all kinds.

If you miss the early morning episode, Freeview 24 repeats its schedule during the day. It's  a particular favourite because it screens The Saint, Minder and The Sweeney.

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I loved them when I was akid. Now, I know them word forword!

These I can watch all the way through. It is channelTelevision Lockdown leads to discovery of programmes on channels never before watched ... and comforting favourites.

Hopping through the ad breaks  reveal other gems. Deadliest Catch, about fishing, onQuest; Murder Maps, which show Midsomer is not the only homicide hot spot; Cannibals and Crampons: Extreme Lives, no idea, didn't watch it long enough, on PBS America; Russia's Meteor Mystery, conspiracy theorists pontificate about a fireball over Siberia; Smithsonian and Banged Up Abroad, on Pick.

Lockdown has played havoc with my sleeping pattern. I am in bed with a book at 6.30pm, asleep at 6.45 and up at midnight, making myself a cuppa and reaching for the remote.

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