Club Rugby: Wharfedale’s strong second-half performance keeps Fylde at bay

Otley goal kicker, Joe Rowntree. PIC: JPIMediaOtley goal kicker, Joe Rowntree. PIC: JPIMedia
Otley goal kicker, Joe Rowntree. PIC: JPIMedia
Wharfedale battled to a tight win in the National 2 North on Saturday, beating higher-placed Fylde 14-13 at home.

Daniel Stockdale put Wharfedale up after four minutes, the hooker finishing off a catch and drive from the pack.

Two penalties and a converted try from Fylde put them 13-7 ahead, but Wharfedale hit back only two minutes later.

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Left-winger Oliver Cicognini danced between defenders to touch down and cut the deficit before stand-off Jack Blakeney-Edwards kicked the conversion to take a one-point lead at 14-13.