YEP Letters: February 6

Protesters gather in Leeds to demonstrate against President Trump's immigration policies and his planned state visit to the UK.Protesters gather in Leeds to demonstrate against President Trump's immigration policies and his planned state visit to the UK.
Protesters gather in Leeds to demonstrate against President Trump's immigration policies and his planned state visit to the UK.
Check out today's YEP letters

It’s time to fight for Britain

CW Allman, Farsley

ALL these people who are protesting about Mr Trump, when our own country is in a bad state why don’t they protest against our government about the NHS and how it is being ruined?

Our elderly people being treated like rubbish. Care homes being closed. All the food kitchens for the poor and employment and poor wages. This has not just started like Mr Trump. This started over five years ago when Cameron and Clegg got in and promised to save everything they have destroyed. And Mr Trump has not been in a month yet and he is doing what he said he would do when he was running for president. So all these people should be protesting for Britain to save what we are losing.

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March to get Mr Hunt out of the NHS before he sells that off. And get local MPs to fight for the NHS and better for the elderly and the future. We all grow old. So get your priorities right and fight for Britain. And let the Americans fight for America.

Worry about a creeping facism not Brexit

Mike Harwood, Leeds 5

Insofar as he seems to think that a referendum is somehow sacrosanct, Richard Burgon (YEP Letters February 2), shows himself a bit weak on his constitutional theory.

Our sovereign and democratic Parliament monitored by our democratic courts can change any existing law, not just a referendum result, and will hopefully always do so if it considers it in the best interest of the country. If it were otherwise, presumably the referendum leading us into the European Union could not now be overridden by a referendum to get us out.

However, as he does say, ‘In’ or ‘Out’ should no longer be the matter of concern. The thought, pedalled during the referendum campaign, that leaving the EU would somehow be a blow against the ‘establishment’ (whatever that means) and give power back to the nation/the people is, and always was a nonsense. No man is an island and, In or Out, this island, like any other country, to survive will have to agree and be subject to terms on which to trade, travel, and interact in every way with other states whether European or non-European. That we would probably be economically better off within Europe than without is, as Burgon says, now beside the point. And, In or Out, capitalist self interest will govern. In or Out, the disparity in wealth and power has increased, is increasing and will continue to increase. In or Out will not change that, and neither May nor Trump intend to let it.

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What does however concern me here is that what is led by Trump, with May hanging onto his coat tails, mirrored by the tide of events in other countries, looks as if we are perhaps seeing a growth of fascism. Are we being confronted by a creeping fascism?

Virulent racism, now being fostered by Trump, is on the increase. And racism is the bedrock of fascism.

And perhaps we can see a growth in the mechanisms of fascism. Decision making by referendum, as a unique one-off event, should not be allowed to point away from our Parliamentary democracy and the rule of law. Ahead could, if we do not make a stand, lie decision making by populism and the mass-meeting; to be told to support the leader by acclaim or else ...accept that what the leader says is the truth whether or not it is true; or else .. even when the incontrovertible facts say otherwise; or else.. ahead could lie 1984 and the Nuremberg Rally and Hitlerism. In the States there has been little opposition from within the governing frameworks to these hastily implemented racist and fascist moves. Here May is allowing Trump to lead her by the hand.

They will not be stopped by an enfeebled Labour Party; they will only be stopped by the active resistance of ordinary workers and ordinary people whether from within or without a European organisation.

United in Brexit?

Mrs J Green, Leeds

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I read the letter from Richard Burgon MP Labour, (YEP Letters, February 2) and thought it was a refreshing change to read of someone who believes it is the right thing to accept the referendum result, his wish to bring the people together is indeed the way forward and the democratic thing to do.

However, his plug for Jeremy Corbyn and the Shadow Cabinet has not gone unnoticed. Of late Mr Corbyn shows a distinct lack of real leadership and it seems his party has failed to back him 100 per cent in his latest about turn. Those who voted to leave the EU voted to really leave the EU completely no half measures, and Theresa May is acting on the wishes of those people.

I have to say that despite the old saw being trotted out by Mr Burgon that he believed Theresa May is not an elected Prime Minister, he may wish to remember when Tony Blair stepped down as PM Gordon Brown stepped in as (unelected?) Prime Minister. Far be it from me to tell an MP what to do may I suggest that he read the latest Cabinet Manual concerning this, available online. I believe Gordon Brown drafted the first part in 2010. Theresa May was elected by the Conservative Government of the day on the resignation of David Cameron and I fully support that.

Mr Burgon’s remarks about Donald Trump in connection with the Britain’s Brexit is reprehensible. Donald Trump will act as he wishes for America as we have already heard he acts fast. Theresa May went to America to reinforce the ties between the US and Britain and discuss trade matters with the new President.

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She has the EU to concern her and she has vowed to act in the interests of Britain, I do not believe smoke screens and bargaining chips are tools that will be employed in the negotiations for the exit from the EU. I would hope she has advisors for deal making with the new President. There is much to do to relinquish 40 plus years of edicts and rules of the EU. Issues of jobs, the economy, employment etc. all listed in his letter along with the party line of the efforts of the Labour Party to act for the people, will no doubt have been noted already.

Hypocrisy over Trump’s visit

Terry Watson, Adel

Britain has had a long listing of inviting guests on state visits.

Robert Mugabe, Mobutu, President of Zaire and a dictator who embezzled £12 billion, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania who ended up being executed by his own people, Emperor Hirohito, the Second World War leader of Japan whose presence many Britons resented have all been welcomed. The Queen plays host to these visitors but invitations are initiated by Downing Street. Donald Trump expects the full treatment if he is allowed, and rightly so.

What hypocrisy from those signing the petition to ban Trump making a state visit. All he has done is to temporarily ban visits from certain countries to the USA which was one of his pre-election promises which he is now honouring. Something unheard of in Britain.

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Would any of those signatories express the same sentiments to the 16 countries that forbid entry permanently to any Israeli passport holder? What could be more racist than that?

Talk about online safety

Helen Westerman,NSPCC Campaigns Manager for the North of England

The world is celebrating Safer Internet Day 2017 on February 7 and the NSPCC welcomes the celebrations.

There are many dangers that young people can face online and if online safety isn’t a regular conversation at school or at home it can put your children at risk. It’s incredibly important that we regularly speak to children about what they like to do online, any risks associated with their online activity and how we are ready to listen and support them if something does go wrong. In the last few weeks I have commented in the media on a growing number of online concerns involving children and young people being targeted by adults through popular APPs and even online ‘crazes’ that involve children physically hurting themselves.

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Parents can really help reduce the risk to their children through positive conversations about their child’s online world and showing an interest in what their child is doing online.

The NSPCC, in partnership with O2 has an online safety helpline for parents and carers where you can get advice on how technology can help keep your child safe or discuss any concerns you have. You can contact them free on 0808 800 5002. We have also a dedicated website for parents called Net-Aware which gives information about the apps, games and sites that children download and use.